We are not professional medical practitioners nor professional counsellors; therefore the support offered is not intended as a substitute for professional medical or counselling care.

All of our services are free and confidential.

We do not perform or assist in arranging abortions.

Pregnancy Tests


We offer high quality, free pregnancy tests. Tests are provided and taken in the Centre. Clients meet with a Client Advocate who can talk through all the pertinent information and provide support after clients read their test results.

*Our free pregnancy tests are urine-based and are 99.5% accurate within 7 days of fertilization. Results are available immediately after the test.

Options Education & support


Our Client Advocates offer compassionate, empathetic support, and medically accurate information on all pregnancy options. We help clients employ various decision making strategies as they endeavour to make a well informed pregnancy decision for themselves. We remain available to support clients, regardless of the pregnancy decision, as long as they wish.

Pregnancy/Parenting Education & support

We offer education on all areas connected to pregnancy and parenting: nutrition, fetal development, navigating personal emotions, labour and delivery, infant care, infant milestones, dealing with the early years (up to 2-years old), etc. Our education component also includes lessons on general life skills like budgeting, how to get a job, and managing a household. ​

Pregnancy Loss & Post-Abortion Recovery

Grief can be complex and extremely difficult to navigate alone. We are able to provide grief support to those experiencing the loss of a pregnancy, and offer numerous post-abortion recovery programs for those who find themselves struggling after an abortion experience.

Healthy Relationships

Connected is our latest healthy relationship curriculum. It is designed to address the root issue of unhealthy relationships and supports clients on their healing journey as they learn how to build healthy relationships in the future. We also offer general education on healthy boundaries in life and relationships.

Material Support

Our active clients have access to our Care Closet which is meant to provide emergency relief as they have need. It is not open to the general public. Our Care Closet is stocked by generous donors in our community and includes a variety of maternity and baby items! Click on the button to see a list of items we cannot accept or give to our clients:


Male Mentorship


We have a male Client Advocate who offers educational and relational support to men and fathers seeking support and Centre services.

You are not alone. We are here to help.